Common Problems with Jeep Renegade. The Jeep Renegade has made a name for itself as a compact SUV that combines the rugged spirit of the Jeep with the practicality needed for daily driving. However, like any vehicle, it comes with its issues. Here are 9 common problems Jeep Renegade owners face; offer solutions to these challenges and answer frequently asked questions to help you navigate the concerns effectively.

Is The Jeep Renegade A Reliable Car?

The reliability of the Jeep Renegade has been a topic of debate among consumers and automotive experts. As with any vehicle, the Renegade’s reliability can vary depending on the model year, maintenance history, and individual use. Here’s a complete look at the aspects affecting the Jeep Renegade’s reliability:

Consumer Reports and Reliability Ratings

Consumer Reports and other automotive reliability indices provide mixed feedback on the Jeep Renegade. Some model years have received average reliability ratings, while others have been rated below average due to reported issues. Potential buyers need to research specific model years to get a clearer picture of reliability.

Known Issues

The Jeep Renegade has been known for several common issues that can impact its reliability:

  • Transmission Problems: Certain models of the Renegade have faced issues with the 9-speed automatic transmission, including rough shifting and, in some cases, complete failure.
  • Electrical Systems: Owners have reported problems with the Renegade’s electrical systems, such as the infotainment system malfunctioning and battery drain.
  • Engine Performance: There have been complaints about excessive oil consumption, engine stalling, and loss of power in some Renegades.

Recall History

The Renegade has had its share of recalls for various issues, including those affecting the transmission, electrical systems, and other critical components. The number and severity of recalls can influence perceptions of the vehicle’s overall reliability.

Maintenance and Ownership

The reliability of a Jeep Renegade can also significantly depend on regular and proper maintenance. Well-maintained vehicles tend to have fewer issues over time. Owners who follow the recommended service intervals and address problems promptly may find the Renegade a reliable companion.

Owner Satisfaction

Fans and everyday drivers demand the Jeep Renegade with its unique styling, off-road capabilities, and compact size. Despite its strengths, several common issues have emerged over the years. 

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9 Common Problems with Jeep Renegade and Solution

The Jeep Renegade has common issues that can affect its trustworthiness.

Understanding and how to address these problems can enhance your Renegade’s performance and longevity.

Transmission Problems

Symptoms: Jerky shifts, hesitation, and, in some cases, complete failure.

Solution: Regular software updates are critical. For persistent problems, a thorough inspection and a transmission replacement may be necessary.

Electrical Glitches

Symptoms: Faulty infotainment system operations, erratic dashboard warnings, and battery drain.

Solution: Keep the vehicle’s firmware updated. Complex electrical issues should be diagnosed and repaired by professionals.

Oil Consumption

Symptoms: Low oil levels without visible leaks.

Solution: Regular checks and early engine diagnostics can identify issues. Engine repairs or replacements might be required for severe cases.

Suspension Noises

Symptoms: Clunks and rattles, especially over bumps.

Solution: Inspect suspension components regularly. Replace worn-out parts like bushings, struts, or ball joints as needed.

Cooling System Problems

Symptoms: Overheating and coolant loss.

Solution: Check for leaks and ensure the radiator, water pump, and thermostat function correctly. Regular coolant changes can prevent issues.

Engine Stalling

Symptoms: The engine suddenly turns off, particularly at low speeds or when idling.

Solution: This can be due to various issues, including fuel system problems or faulty sensors. Comprehensive diagnostics are recommended.

Excessive Exhaust Emissions

Symptoms: Higher than average exhaust emissions.

Solution: Inspect the emissions control system for failures, including the catalytic converter and O2 sensors.

Infotainment System Malfunctions

Symptoms: Unresponsive touch screen, Bluetooth connectivity issues.

Solution: Software updates often resolve these glitches. In some cases, hardware replacement may be necessary.

Door Handle Malfunction

Symptoms: Difficulty opening doors from the outside.

Solution: This usually requires replacing the faulty door handle mechanism.

FAQs Common Problems with Jeep Renegade

Q: Is the Jeep Renegade expensive to maintain?

A: Maintenance costs for the Jeep Renegade are comparable to other vehicles in its class. Keeping up with regular maintenance can prevent many common issues.

Q: Can I perform any of these repairs myself?

A: Some issues, like minor software updates or simple part replacements, can be DIY projects for those with mechanical knowledge. However, professionals best handle complex problems, particularly those related to the transmission or engine.

Q: How can I prevent these common problems?

A: Regular maintenance is critical. Follow Jeep’s recommended service schedule, address recalls promptly, and don’t ignore warning signs like unusual noises or dashboard alerts.

Q: Are there any recalls I should be aware of?

A: Jeep has issued several recalls for various Renegade models. Check with a Jeep dealer or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website to see if any recalls apply to your vehicle.

Q: What is the most reliable year for a Jeep Renegade?

A: Reliability can vary by year, but generally, models from 2017 onwards have seen improvements in reliability ratings compared to the initial release years. It’s important to research specific year models and their associated recalls or joint problems.

Q: Does the Jeep Renegade have good resale value?

A: The resale value of a Jeep Renegade can be influenced by many factors, including mileage, condition, and how well the vehicle was maintained. While the Renegade may not hold its value as well as some other vehicles in the Jeep lineup, a well-maintained model with complete service records can still command a competitive resale price.

Q: Are Jeep Renegades good in snow?

A: Yes, the Jeep Renegade is generally considered reasonable in snow, especially models equipped with 4WD and the Selec-Terrain system, which includes a snow mode to improve traction and handling in winter conditions.

Q: How can I improve the fuel efficiency of my Jeep Renegade?

A: To improve fuel efficiency, ensure your Renegade is regularly maintained, including timely oil changes and properly inflated tires. Avoiding heavy loads, driving at steady speeds without aggressive acceleration, and using cruise control on highways can also help.

Q: Can software updates fix all the electrical issues in the Jeep Renegade?

A: While software updates can resolve many infotainment and other electronic issues, not all electrical problems can be fixed with updates alone. Some may require hardware repairs or replacements, such as faulty sensors or wiring issues.

Q: What should I do if my Jeep Renegade is recalled?

A: If your Jeep Renegade is subject to a recall, contact your local dealership or the manufacturer to schedule a free repair. Recalls address safety issues or defects, so fixing them promptly is essential.

Q: Are aftermarket parts safe to repair common Jeep Renegade problems?

A: While aftermarket parts can be a cost-effective alternative to OEM parts, choosing high-quality parts from reputable manufacturers is crucial. Aftermarket parts may meet different standards than OEM parts and could lead to further issues.

Q: How often should the transmission fluid be changed in a Jeep Renegade?

A: The frequency can vary based on your driving habits and the specific transmission type in your Renegade. Consult your owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s recommendations. Generally, a transmission fluid change every 30,000 to 60,000 miles is a good practice for maintaining transmission health.

Q: Is it normal for the Jeep Renegade’s engine to consume oil?

A: While some engine oil consumption is typical for any vehicle, excessive consumption can indicate an issue. If you’re adding oil frequently or notice a significant drop in oil levels between changes, it’s worth checking your engine.

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While the Jeep Renegade is a vehicle full of character and capability, awareness of its common issues can help owners take proactive steps to maintain their vehicle’s performance and reliability. Addressing problems early and following a strict maintenance regimen can mitigate most issues, ensuring your Renegade remains a dependable companion on city streets and off-road adventures. Remember, while some repairs can be managed at home, don’t hesitate to seek professional help for more complex issues to ensure your vehicle is repaired correctly and safely.


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